You get offered a lot of film scripts. What made you decide to do "Obsessed"?
What attracted me to this film was the empowerment. Usually, in a movie like this, the man in the end saves the day. My character, Sharon … is a wife, very supportive of her husband, [she’s] a mother, and she does what we all do as women when we feel like we have to protect our family. And she gets this strength. Instead of calling her husband and having that moment of weakness, and he as to come and save the day, what I loved was she was, "I have to handle this myself."
What kind of preparation did you do for this movie?
This is the deepest I’ve ever gone to be prepared for a film. And because I’m playing someone who’s not a singer, not a performer for the first time [in a movie], it was really difficult to be a young woman, a married woman. It’s not about the image. It’s about the emotion and the psychology of the relationship.
What’s your take on the character of Susan Charles?
She used to be her husband’s assistant — which is really interesting, because they became best friends. She knows him as well as he knows himself. So all the little games that he’ll play with all other women, she was right there and kind of there to help him out and be his assistant. So when something strange happens with the temp, Lisa, [Sharon] has this intuition, like, "What’s going on with her?" He’s playing it off. And when [Sharon] finds out the relationship is a little different from what he said it was, she gets very suspicious, because she knows her man.
Did you do your own stunts?
I did a lot of stunt work. This was the first time I did a big fight scene in a film — which I was kind of excited about, because it’s kind of similar to choreography. But it was very difficult. Keeping the energy up for hours and hours … I [was] covered in bruises. I really did my own stunts, basically. On top of doing the choreography, you have to still be in the scene [emotionally], and you have to have your performance as an actor, which was really a lot.
Sorry couldnt resist.... answer to the "What kind of preparation did you do for this movie?" question you know is..... I read a book.. KMT