Sasha (her excuse for acting like a hoe) is on the front of Ebony and gave them an exclusive interview about things she says she wont talk about....she must have a video coming out KMT.
On her Business decisions
“I turn down million dollar offers all the time because it’s something that does not feel true for what I’m trying to say. I have to be passionate about it. Love inspires and growth inspires me…If it is not going to be iconic, something I can love 10 years from now, I’ve learned I should not waste my time with it.”
On staying out of Jay-z’s business dealings
“He was very successful before I met him and I was very successful before I met him. So we have so much respect for each other, and respect for each other artistically. We are very close friends, and I believe he is the ultimate artist and he has the same feelings for me.”
One thing she does to get on his nerves
“I’m a little messy. Oh, yeah. Whenever I’m out in public, I have to be put together. When I get home, I rebel against it and I don’t want to take care of anything. I drop it. I’m relaxed. I don’t have any shoes on. No makeup. My purse is in the kitchen. I think that is most difficult thing for him. He’s very, very organized. I’m extremely organized when I’m working, and I work so much that when I get home I don’t want to think about anything.”
When asked to describe herself as a wife:
“I don’t know how to talk about it because I don’t like to talk about it. But I have a great example of a great wife, and that’s my mother. And I have great friends around me that have been married, so I’m lucky to have really good examples. And a great husband.”
On claiming she would retire at 21
“I’ve worked so hard on my craft, and I will never stop. I will never retire. I love it way too much.”